Macduff (Gaelic: An Dùn) formerly known as Doune or Down is home to the Tarlair Swimming Pool on Loch Craig.The art deco pool was built between 1930 and 1931 right into the heart of the jagged Moray Coastline.
The poolsides geologically impressive landscape was created when the ancient continents of Laurentia and Avalonia collided during the Caledonian orogeny. 
The pool was closed in 1995 but was first outdoor baths in Scotland to be granted Category A listed status when it was recognised for its outstanding architectural and historic importance in 2007. 
These days the pool is used for model boating with a boating gala being held once a year. The site has fallen into disrepair and has been vandalised but the action group Friends of Tarlair are working to make the site properly maintained and utilised again.
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